31 ANS Une (presque) rétrospective

Without seeking to abolish any randomness, we have selected fifteen artists who were previously exhibited at the Duchamp Gallery since 1991. One will be amused by the diversity bringing together these artists coming from sometimes divergent aesthetic horizons. We will argue, however, that it is precisely here that the primary characteristic of an art center will take shape: the place of the field of heterogeneous possibilities. The curatorial protocol of this exhibition is simple: invite fifteen artists to present two works. One from their first exhibition at the Duchamp Gallery; the other reflecting their recent work. On the first floor, the initial works, then on the first floor, those of today - in short, it is a question of considering the Duchamp Gallery as a space of temporal contraction.


30 works, for 30 years past. Among the artists presented, some almost started their career at the Duchamp Gallery, like Valérie Belin.